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Brownout in the Philippines: 8 Fun Things to do During One

You're on the verge of winning in a tournament then suddenly the power goes out. All hell break loose. And now you're regretting why you didn't invest in an ever reliable uninterruptible power supply to supply you enough power to shut down your PC properly. At least you were able to save that one. And now, another problem arises, you ask yourself, okay, what do I do now? No worries, brownout? No Problem!


1. Board games (Mind enhancer, friendship ruining game)

Board games are now at hype again thanks to for a read of the revivalism of board games.

2. Read a good book

Might I interest you with some reads like the series of Percy Jackson, the ever favorite harry potter series, the choices are just endless.

3. Enhance your talent in music

If you happen to have a rotting instrument that's never been used for decades, I think its time to try that one out perhaps your born to be a music genius you just don't know it yet.

4. Catch up with the Fam

Why not initiate a conversation between the fam and work on the lost quality time like doing the first tip.

5. Charades

The classic party game where you're acting prowess takes the light.

6. Scary, Boo!

Feeling lonely, a good chilling ghost story will surely turn that lonely feeling into a nervous kind chilly vibe for sure.

7. Finding the One

No, not your soulmate, your hobby mate! Why not do something inventive like cooking or origami. Good stuff for the brain, right!

8. Sleeping is your new friend

No one to accompany you at this crisis, why not just sleep it out. Sleep is the best kill time activity ever. No requirements just relaxation.

The world is filled with so many things to do all you need to do is try them out. No more wasted time, just new experience every day.